Monday, August 6, 2012

94% of the CPU of Intel this quarter production for 65 nm technology

Yesterday, Intel 2007 first IT summit in Beijing. Intel AD8221ARZ Corporation headquarters and district senior management, global partners and technical experts, analysts attended the meeting. According to reports, this is the worlds only a technology summit in spring 2007, Intel, and so far held in Chinas largest international IT Summit Intel unveiled 20 new products and new technologies, many of them debut. Intel chief technology officer and the Corporate Technology AD7715AR-5 Group Director of Justin, in the quarter, Intel CPU production, 94% are 65-nanometer REF195GS technology. In the second half of 2007, Intel will use 45nm technology to produce the second generation of Core Products. It makes the desktop to about 15% performance increase in imaging-related applications for more than 40% performance increase AD8611ARZ in games. At the same time, the leakage rate ten times the transistor density increased twice as much. More next-generation 32-nanometer technology will be launched in 2009. Source: Guangzhou Daily

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