Tuesday, July 17, 2012

eastern China are being developed to become the worlds exports of electronic components

eastern China to the Yangtze River Delta is famous for her, including Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, area and population, respectively, accounted for 1% and 5.8% of this country. However, this region in 2002 to create the gross domestic product (GDP) reached 1.9105 trillion yuan (equivalent to U.S. $ 230.07 billion), accounting for 18.5% of the total value of the country in this country; at the same time, the introduction of foreign investment contracts amounted to U.S. $ 150 billion. In the past few years, Shanghai has also tried to developing a world-class economic, financial and trade center. At the same time, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province as an international manufacturing center. Therefore, in the past few years, the region has witnessed the rapid growth of the mainland of China and the largest economy of scale. At the same time, during this period, the region of the electronic components industry experienced rapid development stage. The large export volume of the region in particular shows the tremendous prosperity of the region, the electronic components industry, which also contributed to Chinas eastern region to become the worlds components export base. Now, the regions thousands of private or foreign exporters of electronic components in the IC, capacitors, electro-acoustic components, AD604ARZ magnetic materials, micro-motors, connectors, PCB board, switches, transformers, relays, resistors, inductors such as the manufacture of electronic components. Manufacturer of electronic components 100, 43 settled in the eastern part of China. In the top ten manufacturers, there are seven in Zhejiang Province, Shanghai and Jiangsu Province. In addition, as Chinas return to the WTO, more and more multinational electronics and joint venture companies stationed in the region in the next few years, the eastern part of China in the world in the field of electronic components play a more an increasingly important role. At the same time, the microelectronics industry and optoelectronics industry will continue to cause great attention of the manufacturers and the authorities of the region, which will also be a major factor to stimulate export growth of the local electronic components industry. Therefore, most of the Yangtze River Delta, electronic components exporters will experience a 10% annual growth rate in the coming years with confidence. According to the statistics of the China Electronics Industry Yearbook, 2001, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Province, the electronic components industry output and exports reached RMB 1,318.88 billion (converted into U.S. dollars at $ 15.9 billion) and $ 4.77 billion in 2002 the growth rate of output and exports 15%, respectively reached RMB 1,516.7 billion (converted into U.S. dollars at $ 18.3 billion) and $ 5.44 billion. At present, the region of several electronic components sales and export value has a leading position in the Chinese mainland, like the IC, and optical fiber cables, electro-acoustic components, magnetic materials, transformers, switches, components of the quartz crystal micro-motors and PCB board. All of these components available to the world, especially Southeast Asia, Europe and North Americas consumer electronics products, communication products and computer products manufacturer. During this period, a growing number of large foreign electronic products manufacturers moved their production bases in mainland China, especially the Yangtze River delta, so that this powerful electronic base advantage, complete upstream and downstream industry chain, rich in human resources and preferential industrial policies. As an example, according to CCID-Suzhou Industrial Park in Jiangsu Province in the laptop computer in 2002 production reached 10 million units, becoming one of the worlds largest laptop production base. At the same time, these foreign manufacturers of electronic products most exported to foreign markets, therefore, can be predicted, a large number of export of locally manufactured electronic manufactures, such as cell phones, household appliances, computers and cars, etc., will be in the next down the ADS7846E years, become the indirect export support in the area of ??electronic components. At the same time, with China to return to the WTO, due to the reduction of import tariffs for high-end electronic components and even duty-free, intensified competition in the electronic components industry in the region. However, on the other hand, local manufacturers it is easy to cause-the-art equipment to ensure that produce high quality and superior performance of the components, you can reach the international advanced standard. In addition, the update of foreign electronic products also led to the growth of export volume in the region. Most of the electronic component manufacturers are closely followed in order to meet their high-tech requirements of foreign customers to update their products to high-end development. In the Yangtze River Delta region, the sheet components, such as chip capacitors, chip resistors, chip inductors, flaky diodes and flaky transistor is still the focus of the market. In addition, the different requirements of the automotive, communications, computer and consumer electronics products will also guide the direction of development of new products. Due to low labor costs and the ringing of the investment stimuli in the AD620ARZ environment, in order to reduce product costs, a large number of foreign electronic components manufacturer in mainland China set up their production base. Especially in the eastern part of China, foreign best first choice due to its ideal location, a strong economic base and rich human resources, most of the world famous electronic components manufacturers, such as Japans Murata the Kyocera company, Matsushita, Hitachi, Intel Corporation, National Semiconductor Corporation, Philips of the Netherlands, South Koreas Samsung, etc., have been in the region to establish a wholly-owned factory or joint ventures. All of these companies have been or will be to increase the scale of production and exports of equipment in mainland China, these manufacturers will contribute to the expansion of the exports of eastern China. As the leader in economic development in the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai has to focus on high-end electronic components for color picture tube and deflection yoke, and has a leading position in the country. In addition, the city will in the next few years to build a complete chain of the semiconductor industry, in order to enable the city to become the new Silicon Valley of Chinas mainland. In recent years, Jiangsu Province has attracted investment from Japan and Taiwan manufacturers in this region, the two cities to attract these foreign manufacturers, that is, Suzhou and the element tin. Reed Business Information Center statistics show that, it is estimated that the amount of investment from Taiwan reached $ 17 billion in Suzhou. Among them, more than 70 projects invested more than $ 30 million, 17 projects of over one hundred million U.S. dollars. By the end of 2002, Wuxi New District has been the introduction of the 740 investment projects, total investment amounted to $ 2.74 billion, mainly concentrated in the new electronic components and battery projects. In addition, the provinces booming private sector for export growth to make a great contribution. In Zhejiang Province, the majority AD536AJH of electronic components manufacturer is export-oriented private sector, mainly in Ningbo, Wenzhou, Yueqing, Hangzhou and other places. They produce about 30 kinds of components, for example, like the flat panel display devices, discrete devices and high-frequency components has an absolute advantage in the domestic market share. Some of the private sector has a large-scale production capacity, high-tech research and development capabilities, as well as overseas market channels, so they can become strong competitors of foreign electronic components manufacturer in the domestic market. In addition, in these three areas, through coordination between the authorities and manufacturers, orderly competition, in order to maintain the advanced position, the eastern part of Chinas electronic components manufacturers will appear in a collaborative and integrated development trend. In this way, in the near future, the region will certainly be a world-class electronic components manufacturing base. In addition to a world-class manufacturing base in eastern China in the next few years trying to develop electronic components research and development base. In this region, the more foreign manufacturers have set up their research and development base, as they back-up in the local production base. As an example, the Shanghai municipal authorities in particular to encourage domestic and overseas research institutions and local businesses to set up joint research center to enhance the electronic technical level of the Yangtze River Delta region. : Magnetics Offers Network
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